To get things started off on the right foot here, I’ve re-published on GitHub a library of fundamental data structures and algorithms that I wrote in C about 10 years ago as a showpiece when interviewing for my current job. The library is called libcore since it’s a library of core data structures and algorithms.
Working on libcore was a great experience. If you want to better understand the typical data structures and algorithms provided by modern programming langagues, implementing them yourself is an excellent way to do that. It’s also an opportunity to learn a new programming language while you’re at it.
I made extensive use of Introduction to Algorithms and The Algorithm Design Manual when writing libcore. They are classics in the field of computer science, and definitely worth having in your collection. The 3rd edition of The Algorithm Design Manual is coming out in June, 2022. Get that one if you can because the 2nd edition has quite a few errors in it.